Health & Wellness

Yoga Nidra: A self-care ritual for the soul

Since its #MentalHealthAwarenessMonth, I wanted to stay true to you all and post mental health-related posts every Sunday this month, because, it’s okay to not be okay.

This week’s post will discuss one of my new favorites when it comes to self-care. I was introduced to Yoga Nidra through one of my groups, NYC Brunch Squad. Liza has been so great by offering free and low-cost online events for her Squad to remain sane during these trying times. She sent out an invite to all of her girls, (including her virtual squad for non-NYers, which you can check out here to join) telling us about this amazing free event, and who was I to not give it a try.

If you don’t know much about Yoga Nidra, there’s one thing you probably should know, there is no actual yoga included. So, if you were looking to burn some calories, this might not be the place. It is a systematic form of guided relaxation that normally is done for 35 to 40 minutes at a time. One session is equivalent to 4 hours of rest, so you will leave the session feeling rested AF. It leaves you in a state between sleep and wake, where you’re so relaxed you might fall asleep ( me, I fell asleep twice). There is some science behind it, which you can read here but all you need to know is that it really works.

mindfulness printed paper near window
Unsplash photo by Lesly Juarez

This is such a beneficial meditation practice, not only because it equivalent’s 4 hours of sleep, but it also has some other immediate benefits. It is linked to reduced stress, which I think we all need during these times. There is also the potential to heal psychological wounds and brings forth a sense of joy and well-being. My favorite benefit: Studies have shown that Yoga Nidra can improve anxiety and depression for women. Now, that doesn’t mean men can’t do it. Yoga Nidra is totally gender-neutral.

So, now that we know the facts, let’s get into my experience. I’ve done guided meditation before, not exactly Yoga Nidra, more like my high school yoga class and youtube sessions. However, this was a totally different experience! This workshop was hosted by viewellbeing* on zoom… we social distance in this brunch squad. She told us to get comfortable, relax, turn off lights, etc. Do whatever that would put you in a calming state to prepare yourself for the journey ahead. Then we proceeded to get on with the 30 minutes of guided meditation. Without giving away the whole experience to you guys, I have to say it was AMAZING. You get into such a deep state of relaxation, it really is hard not to fall asleep. Twice I caught myself dozing off into a deep sleep, I’m pretty sure they caught a snore out of me. After the session, she tells you that you can either go to sleep or continue on with your evening. Honestly, don’t have anything heavy planned for after this, you’ll be so calm that you’ll want to head to bed.

After the event, I went to my dad’s house (since I opted to spend this week social distancing with him). I spent the rest of my evening binge-watching celebrity skin care routines and Grown-ish, because that is self care too. I made sure that my evening would not be stressful to keep that same relaxing mindset as earlier, and I slept well that night! As someone who suffers from really bad anxiety and will overthink overthinking, I was pretty relaxed that evening. Now, Yoga Nidra is no cure-all, but it is a great opportunity for those of us who can’t access therapy during the pandemic. It is also a great form of self-care to add to your routine. May is Mental Health Awareness Month, show your body some love.

*Viewellbeing hosts free Yoga Nidra classes on Monday and Wednesday Mornings at 9 am and Friday Evenings at 8 pm. Check out their Instagram for more info.

Trying to stay awake during guided meditation,
