Health & Wellness

I Tried the #ChloeTing Challenge…

With quarantine not getting any shorter and the gyms a distant memory, we all had to find new and creative ways to work out. That’s how I stumbled upon Chloe Ting, and so my love-hate relationship began.

Chloe Ting is a YouTuber who literally puts in her Instagram bio “I make people sweat on YouTube” (no lies detected there). Formally known for being a fashion blogger, Chloe found her true calling in fitness, and we love it for her. Her YouTube channel and website both offer COMPLETELY FREE fitness programs. The fitness program that she is known for that has been trending for a few weeks is her #2weekshred, and that’s the one I tried.

Before I started the program, I wanted an accountability buddy because sometimes you don’t want to work out, and a buddy is there to push and remind you. My accountability buddy lasted 4 days. So, I had to go at it alone and BOY it was torture but worth it. Now, I am not a fitness guru, I can’t even run a mile, so here’s what you need to know about Chloe Ting’s workout.

How It Went

I questioned how badly I wanted to be skinny so many times during this program. 14 days never felt so long, 10 minutes never felt like hours. I may be dramatic, but Chloe Ting’s 10 minutes and regular 10 minutes are not one and the same. You really need to want this for it to work. Think about your reasons and keep them in your mind because you’re going to need it. Obviously, you’re going to sweat regardless, but it is so easy to give up and just lay on the floor. DON’T DO IT. The results are worth it. Why did no one tell me how much I was going to sweat? Like sure, we’ve all been to the gym and sweated a bit, but not the way I did with Chloe. 2 videos in and slipping and sliding on my own sweat became normal. You ever fallen during a workout because your sweat has coated the entire floor/mat? Day 1 of 14, I was so surprised by the amount of sweat that was rolling off of me. Was I working out or enjoying a day in the Sauna? Grab your towel, your water, and prepare to be a sweaty mess

It’s not a race…

I have this thing where I need to be on the same timing as the video. So, if Chloe is on her 15th up-down plank it better be my 15th as well. What these two weeks taught me was that this may not be her first rodeo, but it is mine. It is perfectly fine if she’s 10 reverse crunches in and you’re still trying to figure out how to clap under your legs. It is also fine to take breaks and not push through. Yes, you want that summer bod and you want phenomenal results, but it is fine if you pause the video for a longer break. It is also okay to take an extra rest day. The program doesn’t need to be followed to a T, Chloe even says to adjust it to your own needs.

If you want to take this full out, check on her “What I eat in a day” videos for some meal prep ideas that will help you out. The best way to get results is by diet and exercise. Her meal plans are pretty good. If you checked out my Instagram last week, the potato porridge I made was one of hers. Chloe’s channel also offers suggestions on how to do the workouts as well as advice on working out.

The Real Real

I know you’ll want to check the mirror every day for some abs and you’re probably even worse when it comes to the scale but HOLD OFF. The thing no one tells you about weight loss is that sometimes you don’t see much of a difference on the scale, especially if you’re burning fat and gaining muscle at the same time. On day 1, take your measurements, weight, and a photo and do the same on day 14 for a side-by-side comparison. The weight on the scale may hardly change, but I know you will notice the difference.

The PTSD is real…I don’t know anyone who will tell you that they didn’t get PTSD from doing the Chloe Ting Challenge. Between the timer sound, the music, and Chloe telling you not to give up, it’s a little hard. The minor things seep in, so I hear a beep anywhere, and it brings me back to my misery of up-down planks. The music is etched into my brain, and I find myself saying: “you make my heart beat beat super fast”, which immediately makes me want to do plank rotations. It’s bad.


First of all, you’re only going to get results if you stick to it. I was the first person to watch ALL of the results videos and expected abs in 2 weeks. You can’t Chloe today and binge junk food tomorrow and expect the best results. These workouts are not a magical cure-all it is up to you to stay consistent, enjoy some snacks in moderation, and not put too much pressure on yourself. 

SO, my results do not include before and after pictures because I love y’all but not that much. However, I will say in 2 weeks I lost 2 inches on my bust, waist, stomach, and hips, I also went down 7 pounds. This may not seem like a lot, but I suffer from PCOS which makes weight loss a little hard, and this was probably the best result I’ve seen since my cheerleading days. 

If you’re up for a challenge, try out Chloe Ting’s 2 Week Shred and you can always check in with others on her Community Instagram for her workout programs.