
Millennial Eats: Dalgona Coffee

If you haven’t heard of Whipped Coffee before it’s real name is Dalgona Coffee, a Korean coffee that is quickly becoming everyone’s favorite quarantine drink. It is insanely easy to make, which is probably why it became popular so quickly. It doesn’t take a genius barista to put this drink together, and that’s why I like it. All you need is equal parts of instant coffee powder, sugar, and hot water. You whisk, or in my case, aggressively beat with a fork *shrugs* until it gets a fluffy/ creamy consistency. This isn’t just another Dalgona Coffee How-To, this one has all of the tea. Here’s what you REALLY need to know:

You Can Dalgona Anything:

As I began researching all that there is to know about this fascinating drink, I learned something quite promising. Dalgona Coffee is a coffee made globally famous by Actor Jung Il-woo from his experience in Macau. He named the drink after its familiar taste to the Korean candy Dalgona. If you’re not a lover of coffee, you can substitute it with your favorite drink powder. So, Matcha lovers rejoice! There is a little something for you and my alcohol lovers too. Whipped Coffee with Irish Cream sounds like a day dream. While I have not tried anything but Whipped Coffee, I have seen some adorable pins on Pinterest.

Stay Tuned to my Instagram tomorrow while I try to make Dalgona Hot Chocolate.

Know Your Caffine Tolerance:

If you’re like me, you have to watch an infinite number of youtube tutorials, read how to’s, and pray before cooking something up; this is the drink for you. It is undeniably easy to make because it’s impossible to mess up. However, you’re going to want to follow the recipe when it comes to this one and use the RECOMMENDED amount. Although it says equal parts, the recommended serving is 2 tablespoons, I promise, you won’t need more. I am an avid coffee drinker, like coffee in the baby bottle (not really, but I was the one kid in middle school drinking coffee), I could shoot this stuff in my veins and still need more. Would you believe that it took me 6 hours to finish a 14-ounce cup? I felt my heartbeat come out of my chest each time I took a sip. I stayed up until 5 am, and I don’t mean groggy up, more like the energizer bunny on crack. I must be bugging, but I think that it being whipped makes it taste stronger.

Do Yourself A Favor & Use an Electric Mixer:

This one right here is super important! You can use a hand whisk, an electric mixer, or if you have enough patience, a fork. However, unless you’re looking to get in a new arm day workout, save yourself the trouble. With a hand whisk, it takes a few minutes, so I assumed with a fork it would be 10-15 minutes max. Still, I was up for the challenge. 20 minutes later, I realized Dalgona Coffee: 1 Bri: 0. An electric mixer is going to make the process much quicker and you won’t get a coffee high from whisking so long. If you don’t have an electric mixer, then opt for a hand whisk but expect to feel like a Starbucks Barista when the 7 am rush comes (miserable).

My Experience

It seemed like everywhere I turned or every conversation I had someone was bringing up TikTok Coffee. To stay cool and keep up with trends, I gave it a try. The best thing about this coffee is that it calls for ingredients you most likely already have at home. I was actually surprised by how simple it was to make, but I took the long road by using a fork instead of a whisk. The first go around, I didn’t pay much attention to the consistency of the coffee. I plopped the coffee on top of the milk the very second it got lighter. After crying to a friend, I tried it again, whipping until my hands hurt just to be sure. You don’t have to use sugar but if you don’t, the coffee will start to seep into the milk faster. Also, the sugar is going to cut out the bitterness of the coffee, so if 2 tablespoons is too much you can always try 1 1/2. No one really makes a point to tell you how to mix the coffee into the milk, but I learned it could get messy. The result was not the way I expected it to come out, but the taste was delicious.

Bottom Line

If you are a coffee lover or a TikToker, you’ve probably heard of the TikTok drink Whipped Coffee. It looks gorgeous, is super affordable, and it kept me up ALL NIGHT LONG. Not only is this a great quarantine drink for yourself, but it’s a pretty treat for children (hot chocolate), and a great workout for all the arm days we’re missing right now. My first attempt was tragic, but this is probably the easiest ” fancy” drink you can make. Succumb to the trend, try it out, and impress all of your friends when quarantine is over with your take on Whipped Coffee.
