
Can You Really Be a Baddie on a Budget?

Everyone loves to look like they’re living a luxurious lifestyle. Dressing stylishly like you’re in the streets of Paris, Milan, London, or NYC. However, let’s be honest; living luxurious requires a luxurious budget. Now I don’t know about you guys but I’m just a struggling post-grad who can’t afford that lifestyle BUT I am a firm believer of faking it until you make it. So… I present to you how too look like a Baddie on a Budget.


The way you dress says so much about how you present yourself. If you look like a slob people have no other option but to think that you are one. If you dress expensive people are automatically going to assume that you have money. Keep your style simple! Dress fashionable but that doesn’t mean to spend all your money on all the latest trends. Buy a few staple pieces that you are willing to spend money on (I.e.: Denim jacket, leather jacket, shoes, and accessories). When it comes to your everyday clothes there are places where you can buy things without breaking the bank! My favorite spots are

  • Rainbow
  • Primark
  • Burlington Coat Factory
  • H&M (they’re having insane sales since their “mishap”)
  • Boohoo *

These stores are amazing because they have good quality clothes for prices that won’t break the bank. Primark and Boohoo are European brands so be sure to check the sizing before you buy. Also, Primark is only in Staten Island and Brooklyn therefore if you do not live in these areas it is a bit out of the way but the discounts are worth it. Places like Rainbow and Burlington Coat Factory are really a hit or miss kind of store because you might have to search through endless amounts of clothing to find something but honestly dedicate a day and just hunt, in the end, it will be totally worth it.



Accessories can literally make or break an outfit. When I talk about accessories i mean everything from the jewelry you wear to shoes and hats.  Now that fall is approaching accessories are very important to your outfits. SO bring out your pea coat, beret, and thigh high boots because it is time to accessorize. There are certain things you should be willing to spend a large amount of money on but for most part never waste money on accessories. Of course, you should spend your money on staple pieces; a leather jacket, shoes, or a nice pair of earrings. Here are some places to buy good accessories for a discount

  • Zara
  • GoJane*
  • Amazon
  • Icing
  • Missguided*

Do not sleep on Amazon! I bought my college graduation dress on Amazon as well as a few shoes. However, the best shoes in my opinion comes from Zara, H&M is a pretty decent alternative if you don’t want to spend the money. Great tip, if you buy cheap shoes replace the sole at a shoe maker for a longer wear.

Overall, it isn’t that hard to be a baddie on a budget. What you really have to do is focus on your spending and finding hidden gems in stores. If you wear makeup check out the dupes at the beauty supply store, and most importantly show confidence. Exude confidence and it doesn’t matter what you wear because being a baddie comes from within.


*- online store only